
ASIC Free Company Name Search

This page will allow you to search using numbers associated with a company (such as ABN, ACN etc), a name, or state number.
ABN Search Site

This page will let you see if the companies or individuals you are dealing with are registered for the new tax system.
Work Safe Queensland

Here you’ll find the latest information about the services and advice WorkSafe has for employers and workers. You’ll find out how to lodge a claim and take out an insurance policy.

Centrelink delivers services, programs and payments for ten government departments.
Australian Taxation Office

The Australian Taxation Office is the Government’s principal revenue collection agency, and is part of the Treasurer’s portfolio. Their role is to manage and shape tax, excise and superannuation systems that fund services for Australians.
Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Here you can find about public holidays, Changing your name, Electrical licensing, Family history search, Industrial relations directives, Queensland public service awards, Reporting a workplace incident and much much more.
Australian Stock Exchange

Catch up on the latest news from the stock exchange, view prices, or learn about the sharemarket. ASX Group (ASX) offers a diverse range of market service activities linked by a common commitment to provide the infrastructure Australia needs to create a globally competitive capital market and a vibrant, robust economy.
Queensland Building Services Authority

The BSA’s charter is to regulate the building industry through the licensing of contractors, educate consumers about their rights and obligations, make contractors aware of their legal rights and responsibilities, handle disputes fairly and equitably, protect consumers against loss through statutory insurance, implement and enforce legislative reforms and where necessary prosecute persons not complying with the law.
Institute of Public Accountants

The Institute of Public Accountants (IPA) is a professional organisation for accountants recognised for their practical, hands-on skills and a broad understanding of the total business environment